Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Time is for Lovahs

Hello assorted whores and man-whores!

It's a gorgeous day in the neighbourhood! Mr. Rogers has already stopped by once for a quickie. Old guy knows how to handle his shit, I'm telling you! I made him draw the blinds though. I don't need to deal with two types of gag reflexes.

In case you haven't noticed because you're indoors working for the man like me, spring is in the air! Which means love (or least copious amounts of estrogen and testosterone) is also in the air. Fact. We've all seen Babmi, right? If there's anything I've learned in life I've learned from Disney movies. Crabs have Jamaican accents. Candlesticks haves French accents. Siamese cats and people have slanty eyes. Black people talk in jive-speak and wear pimp hats and don't work. All women are either virginal, obedient housewives or monstrous old evil hags. It's just science!

Anyracism, as you will recall, In the SPRING, an adult Bambi is reunited with Thumper and Flower as the animals around them begin pairing up with other sluts. Though they resolve not to be "twitterpated" like the other savages in love, Thumper and Flower each leave with newly found bonefriends. Look at these two. She's like "wait till you see what's under my soft cotton tail" and he's all "I'm so pulling your ears like the forrest tramp you are when you have my third fluffy leg in your mouth." Yum.

Bambi is disgusted, until he runs into Faline (mmmhmmm) and they become a couple. Score!! As they happily dance and flirt through the woods, another buck appears who tries to force Faline to go with him. Bitch! Though he initially struggles, Bambi's rage gives him the strength to defeat the older buck and push him off a cliff and into a river below. Fuck, I'm so turned on right now...

And so we learn that pairing off and porking in the woods is only natural in the spring. Everyone becomes Twatterpatted (a spin off of Disney's PG term, meaning "wanting to pat or have one's twat patted") and there's no fucking way around it!

This leads me to my question du jour: Can straight men and straight women (sorry gays, I'll talk about your sexier and more interesting politics on this issue another time) be friends? I'm talking FRIEND friends. Real friends. Not "I tolerate you in public" or "we say hi when we're out in a big group." I mean, we talk on the phone, hang out alone sometimes, shoot the shit for hours even in a big group, etc, without the dude's peen accidentally falling into the chick's ass. Myth or reality?

I leave it to you, my opinionated young bucks, to throw some feedback all up in my comments section (or email me if you wish to remain discreet, i.e. if you're a coward) and I shall compile the results and report the ugly truth back to you. Meaning, I'll probably just give you my opinion on the whole thing, but I'd still like to hear what you have to say first. Sometimes other people have ideas too! I learned this from reading it on a bathroom stall, not from Walt and his infinite wisdom.

To be continued...

Twatterpattingly yours,


Friday, March 27, 2009

Story Time with M: Vol I


So....once again I have failed you. You, my 15 loyal followers! 16 now actually - who are you, new person? Tell me at once!

I owe you all some head, ok? Deal. That reminds me, I need to go to the dentist.

As promised* (Editor's Note: clearly you've bitterly learned by now that a promise from me is like Chris Brown promising not to beat Princess Ri-Ri again), here is The First Installment of Story Time With M (Capital Letters Make Things Seem Official And Exciting!).

I'm nerv, I'm not gonna lie. I know if this one's not good you'll all leave me, just like all those imaginary friends I used to...not.....have... what? Aiight, here goes nothing:

The Scene: Third floor of an all-girls residence at one of the finest Universities in this lovely (read = cold, only fit for beavers) Country. Winter. My 21st birthday.
The Players: The Birthday Girl and her favourite ho's (aka the girls and the gays).
The Drug of Choice: Mushrooms.

A little background: My Harry-Potter-esque College was known for it's "traditions" (read: stroking men's dicks, keeping women down - fun!), one of which was the segregation of ladies and gents into separate living quarters. The boys, of course, lived in the glorious castle with the prime real estate. The wives-in-training were relegated to the hen-house around the corner. I'm convinced it used to be the servants' lair. When women were finally allowed to attend this fine College, Captain Old-Whitey in charge at the time probably figured slaves, women, what's the diff?

Bitterness aside, it was still kind of awesome having our own (lesser) space. We got to go party at The Testosterone Temple whenever we wanted (all girls were given keys to the boy res, and not vice versa, mouhahah), leave behind pools of vomit and other bodily fluids, and then return to the safe and clean haven known colloquially as "The Ranch." Good inequality-filled times.

ANYWAY, our College also had the tradition of keeping its young and nubile students on campus for as long as possible. To seduce us into staying in residence after first year, second years were allowed to choose their floor and all of the people who would reside there. This resulted in about 10 of my best girlfriends and I all living side by side on the best floor at The Ranch. Clearly, a recipe for disaster.

One final background note: our College was student-governed, meaning the students decided EVERYTHING. This meant that 90% of our money went into booze. Go team! But it also meant that we decided that we didn't need "floor dons" or whatever the eff those fun-spoiling bastards are called. The only "grown up" in the entire building (and same went for the Boy Res) was one lonely old "porter" who acted as the gate keeper into the building. Read: an old man who sat in a little glass box way down stairs at the entrance, and watched porn / fell asleep on the job.

This lack of supervision meant that basically the College was ours. We were free to smoke cigarettes and joints in our rooms and in the halls (I'm not kidding), booze whenever and wherever, bone anywhere (mmm...common room sex), etc.

And so we come to my birthday, circa...several years ago (I like to pretend I'm still 21). My b-day always landed around reading week, a.k.a. SPRING BREAK!!! That meant that a good two thirds of the building always cleared out, except of course for my faithful legion of ladies, who always stayed around to keep me company (I could never afford to go on vacay like the other trust fund babies who made up 85% of the College's population).

On this particular b-day, we opted to stay on our floor in res and just tear the place apart. Why not? No one was around, we had 10 bedrooms to choose from, and we knew we would all find our way back to our beds easily (read: by turning around). And so we did mushrooms. Lots and lots of mushrooms.

Things were going along swimmingly for the first little while. Two of my girlfriends weren't down with the magic so they stayed sober - good thing because within about 30 mins of getting high I proceeded to slice my thumb open (I was playing with a broken vase. I thought it was a toy.) and have a mini-melt down. But I was bandaged up and everything was good and trippy for the next few hours.

Fast forward to about 2 am. One of my man-friends - let's call him Tony - how can I put this... ate a bit too much? Pig. Anyway, Tony is suddenly OUT OF CONTROL. Hey, you know how when you're really high and one of your friends is going insane it's super fun to take care of them? No.

All of us spend the next two hours literally trying to lock him in one of our rooms like a caged animal. Every time we'd get him in a room, we could hear the destruction within but knew he was more safe in there than in the outside world (he kept insisting we release him into the night). Finally he would seem to tucker himself out, and we could let go of the door knob. Ten minutes of silence would pass, and we would eventually all collapse in a row in the hallway outside whatever room he was in and smoke a joint.

Just when we'd be getting high again, out of nowhere, Tony would BURST out of the room like a bat out of hell and run down the hall, limbs flailing, and we would have to tackle him again, which was no easy feat since he's about 6'2. BASTARD!!! This "routine" went on for a few hours, with him getting more and more high and us getting more and more annoyed. Finally, he seemed to REALLY be out cold, and we all piled into my room to listen to the Lion King soundtrack or something cool like that. Sweet, precious freedom.

About an hour later, one of the girls suggests we go check on our little patient to make sure he's still breathing or whatever. We're good friends like that. She goes to peek in the room, and we just here "Oh. My. God."

"What??" the rest of us shout down the hall.

"He's gone. That's what. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Um...not cool. Happy Birthday, me! In no time, an army of about 7 girls was searching each of our rooms, wondering which one he chose to probably urinate all over. Fuck. He's not in any of them.

We decide to check the whole Ranch for our missing link. Surely, he has no idea where the front doors are in his current state, so he must be hiding somewhere close by. About 20 mins go by with of us all yelling "Tonnnyyy! Tony! Come out! This isn't funny! Where arrreee youuuu??". No Tony.

We split up into groups of 2, do another full house search. Nothing. We regroup on our floor and at this point we start freaking out. Did I mention we were all super high on mushrooms? Yeah, not the best state of mind to be in if you're going to have an extreme panic attack.

We don't know what to do. Start making calls. Has anyone at the boys' res seen him? Negative. Fuck. Finally someone has the super obvious (but not when you're on mushrooms) idea to CALL HIS CELL. Honestly. How did we not think of this 40 MINUTES AGO.

So we call his phone, and we hear it! It's ringing!!! VICTORY! Picture me holding my phone in front of me like I'm fucking panning for gold. All the girls are huddled around me so that we sort of form one shaky being. Riiiing... riiiing.... It's on this floor!!! How the fuck did we miss this?? Riiing... riiing....we're getting closer!

It leads us to this tiny bathroom just around the corner from our hallway. Yes! Not caring that we might be interrupting an epic shit or jerk off session, we burst through the door all together only to find.....


......... Tony.

Instead, his phone is there, ringing, ON THE LEDGE OF THE OPEN WINDOW. The curtains are blowing mockingly in the gentle wind, just like in a horror movie. We're on the third floor, by the way. We all rush to the window and cram as many of our heads through it as possible and look down for our fallen hero, bracing ourselves to see his body mangled in the bushes below.

Nothing. Maybe he's a vampire??? Mushrooms tell us this is the most likely scenario.

Still, vampire or no vampire, we're freaking out. Now not only is he lost, but he is sans phone, so there's really no way to find him. Defeated and preparing ourselves for the inevitability of jail (we could see the headlines: "College Girls Lose Friend in Seedy Night of Drug Use!"), we leave the bathroom and head back to our floor.

As we solemnly shuffle back to our rooms, a few of us mutter "Tony? Tony. Tony?" one last time, knowing it's pointless.

Suddenly: "yeah?"

Tony's voice.

All of us stop dead in our tracks and look at each other in utter shock.

All together: "TONY??"




WTF. We can hear him and he's SOMEWHERE IN THIS HALLWAY!

We continue this game of cat-and-mouse until we find the source of his bored voice, which is coming from the large shared washroom right in the middle of all of our bedrooms. P.S. - yes, we had already checked that bathroom. At the very beginning of our search, we ran in, screamed his name, nothing. It was huge with several sinks, toilet stalls and showers. There was also one bathtub that was hidden behind the door that no one ever used because ew - public bathtub. Tony was laying in the bathtub with the curtain drawn.

We pull back the curtain incredulously, only to find Tony half-asleep but looking up at us as if that's the most natural place in the world for him to be. Ten minutes of us screaming at him, demanding why he didn't answer for the last hour when we were desperately calling out to him, etc, ensue. He is impassive, calm, tired, still high. We're just so fucking relieved we could care less.

Finally we get him out of the tub, into one of our rooms, into bed. Why don't any of us have tranquilizers?? Whoever's room he's in sleeps in another one of the girls' rooms, and we call it a fucking night.

7:00 am. Panicked voice in the hall.


One of the girls had a 9:00 am flight out of town for a wedding! Oops. She had everything perfectly packed and ready to go before the drugs so she could just roll out of bed and roll out to the airport. But she couldn't find one of her shoes. Her brand new shoes she bought just for the wedding.

She makes all of us do a wild search of the floor, checking each of our rooms, thinking maybe we threw it somewhere in the shroom haze (clearly). At this point we also notice Tony is gone, again, but we don't give a shit. It's daylight. He can eff himself.

We don't find the shoe, and she gives up, tearfully grabbing an old pair of black pumps and rushing out the door.

The rest of us sleep till about 2 pm, and when we all wake up we head to the dining hall for lunch (forgot to mention: another tradition at said College was that we all ate in the main dining hall together, just like in H.P. Possibly the source of my obsession with wizardry, but that's a story for another day).

We're all scarfing down the nasty res food, and finally in waltzes Tony. Oh, how lovely to see you! we all say via death stare. He approaches, tail between his legs and sits down. We can't help it - everyone bursts into laughter. At least it will make for a good story.

Half way through lunch as we're filling him in on the details of his savage behaviour, he let's us know about his adventure back home early this morning. By which I mean, what he managed to piece together based on the random object he found on the floor in his room in the morning. Apparently, he thinks, he woke up in one of our rooms, super disoriented and still high, and wanting his own bed. He realized he had no shoes on and had no idea where they were. In his drug addled mind, he figured that picking up any shoe and carrying it home would be the equivalent of actually wearing shoes on his feet. Obv. And so, he grabbed Laura's new pink satin platform sling back (we still don't know how it ended up in another room...maybe we were having a shoe fight?), held it out proudly in front of him as evidence that he knew he needed shoes to go outside, marched back to the guys res and passed out. The shoe was right there on his shoe rack, sticking out like a sore thumb, with the rest of his own shoes in the morning.

In conclusion, drugs are fun.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's a triple Jurassic Park kinda morning

Meaning, I've already listened to J.P. three times at the loudest possible volume today in an effort not to snap and punch a hole through a wall. Not that I could punch a hole through anything if I tried. I don't even think I could punch through a spread out piece of saran wrap since a) I have ratty little carny hands that I'm convinced are purely decorative; b) I have the upper body strength of a 4-year-old; and c) I have no aim. If you were standing RIGHT in front of me and I tried to punch you, I would for sure miss and most likely end up punching myself in the face somehow. Don't ask. Well if you must, ask my brother. He had many a stomach cramp in our youth from laughing hysterically at my bitter attempts to punch him anywhere on his person. Did I mention he's three years younger and I was bigger than him for like 15 years? Cool.

Ooh except this ONE time I totally punched him in the face. It was awesome!!! We were on a family trip that involved a lot of driving (I don't understand why any family thinks this is a good idea) and the boy and I were sitting in the back seat. He kept holding his hand right in front of my face, or stretching his fingers out so they were almost touching the side of my head, and saying over and over "Not touching! Can't get mad! Not touching! Can't get mad!" I would reply, "if you don't STOP THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW I'm going to punch you in the face!" This went on for a solid 10 minutes, wherein I threatened to punch him at least 10 times. Finally I lost it and just nailed him right between the eyes. Clearly, he starts scream-crying and demanding justice from my parents. Their response: "She TOLD you if you didn't stop she would punch you!" Amazing.

Anynosepunch, where was I. Ah yes. It's a trip-Jurass day.

Observe my morning:

Around 8 am, I found myself miraculously on time in terms of being awake and showered and generally alive. I was casually getting ready and thought: "I'll make myself a lovely cup of coffee here at home and enjoy it while I'm getting ready!" Great idea, no? Apparently the universe begged to differ.

I get up to my room with the full steaming mug and attempt to place it on top of my dresser. OK, I should explain the layout of my room. It's about the size of a king size bed. That's it. It's supposed to be either a walk-in closet or a tiny joke-office, but my roommates and I, being the geniuses (genii?) that we are, thought it would make a fine little room for little me (think of the rent-splitting possibilities!). There's pretty much nothing but bed (and a giant mirror hanging down from the top of the wall facing the bed - yes) so it's pretty conducive to sleeping / boning. And really, that's all you need in a room, no? Unless you want room to actually stand / get ready / move around. Details.

So you have my double bed, and two horizontal shelves at thigh-level on the wall right at the foot of the bed. Between the two shelves I have a stereo, under the shelves I have several pairs of shoes, and on top of the shelf there is my lap top and other assorted technology and what have you. Making use of space! To the left of the shelves, kitty corner (ha!) from the bed, is my dresser. So between the bed, dresser and shelves, there's about a foot of space to....well, nothing. There's nothing you can do in a foot of space but stand perfectly erect and still and check your email on the aforementioned lap top, or trip and fall back onto the bed.

So I'm standing perfectly erect and still in said space attempting to check my email with my right arm and reaching up to place the coffee on the dresser with my left arm. I miss. Big surprise. Only half of the mug makes it to the shelf.

It proceeds to fall directly onto the floor in front of my bed / under my shelf. Needless to say it falls from so high and it's so full that when it makes contact with the floor, it obviously SOAKS my white carpet and a huge chunk of my white duvet. It's great really, because I was looking to add a certain failed abortion / diarrhea spill look to my room, so that's done.

It doesn't stop there. The impact of the crash allows the burning liquid to slap me right in the shins (mmm, scaldy), and also splatters (I'm not joking) over the 6 pairs of shoes (!) I have on the ground under my shelf, all over the shelf and wall, on my stereo (!!), phone (!!!) and LAPTOP (!!#(*$(!*), and my white curtains!!

I just stood there in horror for a minute, and then the tears came. It took me 25 GD minutes to clean it all up! Awesome. But wait! It gets better.

You all know how I love the streetcar on the best of days....shudder. I'm totally feeling like this kid by the time I get to my stop:

Actually he doesn't quite have the same blood lust and savage vengeance in his eyes as I did, but you get the point. On a side note I totally wish I had dino-jammies like those!

When I finally got on the streetcar (late), I shit you not, fifteen SCREAMING 8-year-olds got on with their teachers at the next stop. Fifteen. Think about how unbearably annoying ONE kid is. You know, when some poor haggard mother gets on the streetcar with her wench child and the kid's all "mom!? MOM! What's that? Is this our stop? Why is that man talking to himself? What are we eating for dinner?? Mom! I like shells. mom! what' Is Mrs. Johnson nice? Mommmmm! Watch me kick this stone!" Shudder.

As we approached the stop, it literally sounded like there was picketing /protesting going on outside! I turned to look out the window thinking "ooh, what are we pissed about today, community?" and to my horror, the brat-pack piles on. People literally gasped with disgust. They were ON FIRE. Their group chorus went a little something like this: "street-CAR! street-CAR! aaaah!!!!! WE'RE ON A STREETCAR!!!! YAAAAHHH! Streetcaaaaar! Hey! Look! People walking outside! I wanna sit! Why won't anyone let us sit? yaaaah! We're on a streeeeetcaaar!" as they ran up and down the aisles. I sort of feared for my life since I was sitting pretty close to the front and could see the driver sweating and swallowing hard, white knuckles clenching the wheel. I was just waiting for him to jerk if off the track and jump out the doors.

This is where J-Park came in. I tried blasting it, much to the future horror of my delicate ear drums, to drown out these little broken condom rats. My efforts were in vain. Even John Williams couldn't mask their shrill voices. I should have videotaped the scene with my phone camera and sent it in to some ad agency to be a commercial for birth control. I could have made millions!

And p.s. since I was late, I didn't have time to go to Starbs, so I'm drinking the chalky semen office coffee. If anyone wants to come here and slit my throat, I will welcome you with open arms.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Story Time with M


So, here's what. My life is fucking boring. It's winter in Canada, which means the only things to do are sleep, gain 5-10 pounds, work, cry a lot, and sometimes get drunk enough to wear heels in the snow.

As such, I have been lacking in material on this lamest of b-logs. Along with this fair country, my brain has frozen over and is incapable of doing much besides alerting my mouth to suck the drool back in right before it escapes over my bottom lip as I gaze endlessly out my office window. I blame mother nature, that lying twat. YOU TOLD ME MARCH WAS A SPRING MONTH, MA' NAYCH! YOU TOLD MEEEE! [uncontrollable sobbing]

Until something exciting (and by exciting I mean anything besides me staring out my office window every day before running home to eat, drink, cry and sleep) happens in my life, I've decided to introduce a new segment called Story Time With M. It sounds just pervy enough, in a Mr. Rogers sort of way, don't you think? Just picture me wearing a bright red pepaw zip-up cardigan with a creepy puppet in my lap, grey bushy eyebrows dancing with excitement. Here:

Stories will be mostly about the failures and embarrassments of my friends and enemies. I think it's tough but fair.

Also it's like 15 degrees out and I keep peeing a little bit with excitement. Luckily I'm wearing underwear today! It's something I like to do on Fridays. You know the exite-pee I'm talking about. Like puppies do when you finally come home from work and they're like "FUCK! I thought you fucking abandonned me!!!" and just the tip gets a little puppy soak on.

Stay tuned for Story Time Vol. I later today!

P.S. Won't you be my neighbour?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pep Pep and Nana!


Great day. So close to Friday. Well done, Thursday. You's my ho.

So who doesn't love grandparents? I know, right? Best. I only have two left but they know how to bring down the hizzzouse!! theory. They just recently arrived in Florida for some quality old-person time with their old-people friends. When they told me they were going I was like "um, LAME! Way to be so CLICHE, meme and pepe (that's what we call them)!!!" Then I spat on the ground and sucked my teeth at them. I think they both learned something.

Anyold, I was wondering the other day what the depends they're getting up to down there, and then I got this awesome email today (from meme):

"It is good down here. I still have a sweat shirt on but it supposed to go up to 79 degrees this afternoon. It has been too cold to go to the pool yet. Went to a cocktail party yesterday afternoon. Met a lot of Canadians that are in this park. The guy next door is from Guelph, a retired teacher. George and Kerrison Nussey are arriving at Belanger's this afternoon and we are going out for dinner with them and Carl and maureen Atkinson from Windsor.

Tomorrow we are invited to Marg and Jerry Palowski's for a fish dinner. They are at Fort Myers Beach. She is Bernice Rivard's sister so they will be there as well as Ron and Belinda Gagner.

Dad has finished one puzzle and is working on the second."


OK. I know it was probably wrong to publish real names, but fuck. Tell me "Tomorrow we are invited to Marg and Jerry Palowski's for a fish dinner" isn't the greatest thing you've read in like 12 years!! Bahahahaha I honestly started weeping tears made of sprinkles and kitten paws when I read that. Oh, meme!

Sometimes I just want to fast forward to my memaw years. I don't know about you guys but I can assemble a fucking puzzle like nobody's business. And I love me some fish dinner, dayum! But that's only the beginning. Think of the possibilities!

- Badmouthing "young people today" while shaking your head and clucking your tongue

- Scratching your gunt in public and not giving a fuuuuuck

- Wearing elasto-waist jeans up to your saggy chesticles and OWNING it

- Silver hair! SILVER!!

- Getting away with saying anything, because people are just relieved you're not losing your mind. My pepe has recently taken to racism for kicks, and meme has thrown out the "hussy" bomb more than once. God love'em.

- Hiding things in your wrinkle flaps

- Backgammon! Checkers! Scrabble!

- Playing bridge with your friends while drinking Mint Juleps starting at 2 pm,
because you can do whatever the saggy bum skin you want!

- Watching the discovery channel 24/7 and falling asleep in your cozy Nana chair

- Going to bed at 8:30 because you fucking FEEL LIKE IT

- Driving like a crazy person and being all "DO something!" if some young bitch
gives you the stink eye

- Writing hilarious emails from Florida that are like "all I'm doing is straight
chillin'. Suck it." when your rat children / grandchildren mock you

I figure if I just start chain smoking and drinking 18 grasshoppers a day, I can age faster and join the land of the cotton tops in no time.