Thursday, July 15, 2010


So....yeah. Hey-eeeyyy. Hii-iiiii. (George Michael in Superbad) :)

I took a 6 month break from the Tip. Judging by the comments from my last post, I think one, maybe two people noticed. Sorry you two! Email me and I’ll take you out for a drink (of poison, so you’ll never complain again).

I would love to say that I’ve been busy writing my first novel or saving Haitian children or, as one of you colourfully suggested, undergoing a sex change (trust – I have enough man in me already). But really I’ve just been busy not being a complete bitter asshole (somewhat / mostly untrue). The thing is, in the past 6 months I sort of fell in L (don’t call it that) and I’m gonna go ahead and totally blame my lack of Just the Tipping on that. I mean fuck. It’s hard to be a whiny bitch when you’re happy, you know? (I’m sure He Who Made Me Happy would highly disagree, but if he does, I know where his balls live).

Anygush, today I decided to fight through the sunshine and rainbows and kitten jizz and try to get back into it, despite the unfamiliar absence of that tangy bitter aftertaste that had become such a part of every observation my brilliant mind drank in.


Before you navigate away from this page forever (I assume it’s too late for 4 out of the 5 people reading this) at the hideous thought of a new JTT with a new cunt-free protagonist, fear not: there’s still plenty of hostility, irritation and dissatisfaction lurking in the depths of my soul. I’m a woman, after all.

Still, I might need a bit of time to really get back to my rage-filled roots, so bear with me on a couple of wrath-free posts, k? No? Go fuck yourself? k.

Moving on to today’s topic: I think I might have a ghost. Not in the biblical / Twilight sense. “Have” as in – I think one is haunting my house.

A few nights ago, I was tossing and turning from the wretched nightmares I was having. Side note: according to Wikipeeds, eating before bed, which triggers an increase in the body's metabolism and brain activity, is a potential stimulus for nightmares. So...what you’re saying is I probably shouldn’t have eaten that entire jar of pickled herring at 11:00 pm? Meh, that’s just one internet’s opinion. Anyterror, in the last ‘mare, circa 2:59 am, I kept falling off of a giant blue blow-up mattress and crashing to the ground (just suck a soft one, it was scary in the dream.). I was becoming increasingly annoyed and desperate in my parallel universe, when I awoke very suddenly to a loud “HISSSSSS” right in my face. It was not unlike the sound an angry cat-bear or lizard-ghost would make. Or, more probably, some sort of Paranormal Activity-esque demon which is probably trying to kill me. Yes.

I practically jumped out of bed! I was sweating (which is a remarkable feat for someone who never exercises) and my detached, normally-unused heart was beating with the fury of a well-executed hand job. “What the fuuuuuuuckin’ shit?” I whisper-yelled, confused, to no one in particular (other than the demon). I listened for further signs of my impending murder, but there were none. Eventually I fell back asleep 20 minutes before my alarm went off, because fuck my life.

Day 2. He Who Made Me Happy slept over. I didn’t tell him about the previous night’s incubus / volturi / invisible robot killing machine (all of the new possibilities after a day’s reflection). I told myself that I must have imagined the whole thing as we settled into bed. Yep, that’s over with, I thought smugly to myself. Goooood night.

Just before turning off the lights, I leaned over the side of the bed to grab something. My bed friend goes “did you just, like, hiss? Or breathe in really loudly?” at which point three things happened at once: my already cold blood turned to ice; I squirt-sharted in my boxers; and I mentally prepared to kill us both with the suicide knife I keep under my bed (see previous post re: Double Sundays) before the demon could get to us.

“No. I didn’t hiss. Shit cockin’ cock fuck!” I squealed while desperately checking every corner of the room with my eyes. I decided to tell him about my “dream” hiss from the night before, and to my immense relief he didn’t roll his eyes or tell me to “calm down” (every woman hates this. fact.) or laugh in my beautiful face. Instead, he assumed the role of my partner in panic and we spent the rest of the night scaring the shit out of each other and giggling like a couple of school girls practice-kissing their pillows at a slumber party (he was a manly school girl, of course).

Day 3. I’m in bed alone. First fail. Going to bed alone (in a black negligee, no less) in a possibly-haunted house is basically like painting a big red target on your pale succulent throat, or writing “knife goes in here!” on your chest with an arrow pointing to your heart. Yet, here I was.

I watched the Simpsons ( until my eye lids were as droopy as grandma’s labia and finally went to night-night-town (imag I actually called it that? she did.) around 2 am. At 3 am on the dot, BAM! I wake up to the sound of the loudest crash I’ve ever heard. So loud that I jumped out of bed and ran into the living room, cell phone in hand (having of course already dialled “9-1” a la Milhouse’s grandma) expecting to see the body that fell through our roof and lay rotting and twitching on the blood splattered hard wood floors. But... nothing. “CUNTS!” I yelled into the eerily silent room. I ran back to my room and assumed the fetal position under my covers and rocked back and forth thinking about my life and the list of people I wouldn’t get to destroy if it was taken away from me at such a young age. Then I became distracted by said list and it the plotting and conspiring comforted me and eventually I feel back asleep in my sweat-soaked sheets.

Day 4. You better fucking believe He Who Made Me Happy was sleeping over tonight. Blah blah, sextalkscareeachotherpassout. I was still pretty suspicious when we went to sleep, and didn’t dare open my eyes in the dark lest I see something like this

staring back at me. Somehow, I managed to fall asleep, and when I awoke at 3 am it was only because I had to pee. VICTORY. I slipped quietly out of bed so as not to wake the sleeping boy and robotically tip toed to my bedroom door half-asleep and with only one eye open. I walked out into the family room / hall which I have to pass through on the way to the bathroom. That’s when I saw them.

Two people, teenagers. Sitting side by side on the couch in the dark. Awake, staring straight ahead at the wall (their profiles to me). Not talking, not moving. Not smoking a joint, not watching a movie or looking at youtube videos. Not making out. JUST STARING STRAIGHT AHEAD IN SILENCE. I gasped and fell back against the wall, wrapping my arms around my shivering, naked, perfectly toned and tanned body (I sleep naked, and consequently make night-time bathroom trips naked as well. Super.).

“JESUS!” I finally yelled as I stumbled backwards.


I ran to the bathroom in about half a second and slammed the door behind me.

“This is it” I thought to myself while gasping for air and wrapping a towel around me. “It’s actually happening. The ghosts are here, and they’re waiting for you.”

I made sure not to go anywhere near the mirror (I’ve watched enough horror movies to know that looking in the mirror can only lead to death). I just stood there with my eyes closed, freaking out but also being mildly impressed that I hadn’t pissed all over myself. “Hmm” I thought, satisfied with my body’s coolness under pressure. That small realization gave me the 2 seconds of courage I needed to leave the bathroom. I took several deep breaths, opened my eyes, and opened the bathroom door.

I walked slowly back to the living room, half expecting them not to be there any more (don’t ghosts usually cock-tease you a bit before they make the kill? First the noises, then the revelation that they’re real, then the bloodbath? I mean everyone knows this, right?). To my slight relief, they were still there. In the same position, staring straight ahead and not moving or talking.

“Hel..hello?” I whimpered, failing to sound brave. Nothing.

Now I was getting annoyed. It’s one thing if I’m about to be sliced up like a Christmas ham, but I don’t need to be fucking ignored too. I lived through enough years of that before I got the gift of magnificent breasts in grade 11 (thanks God!).

“Hello??!” I said with a little more vigour this time.


“K,” I started, closing my eyes and then opening them and rubbing them (movies also taught me to do this to make sure I am not hallucinating), “there are two of you sitting on the couch, right? Like right there? I’m not just seeing this?”

Nothing for a solid 10 seconds. Then finally, so low I could barely hear it “... yeah.”

That’s all I needed to hear to make me bolt to my room faster than you can say “Girl, you in danger!” a la Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost. I dove into bed waking He Who Makes Me Happy and launched into an incomprehensible rant about two unbelievably high teenagers sitting on my couch like a couple of fucking zombies and what the fuck and what are they doing out there and can I kill them because they’re in my house? We discuss that murder is probably not good for my career, and I tell HWMMH to hold onto me like Lennie Small and I don’t even care if he crushes me because I’m already dead inside from fear. I snivelled in his arms until morning, going over my will in my head all night (Jordan, you can have the jars of urine).

In the morning, I got up to shower and the two ghost-teens were still there. But this time it was light out, and they were crumpled into a pile of American Apparel and ironic haircuts and party smell and were fast asleep. “Assholes” I muttered as I walked, CLOTHED, to the bathroom to shower. I realized at this point that these two “guests” of ours no doubt belonged to one of my roommates – the creepy 30-year-old one who likes to seduce teenagers. Yep, I’m calling you out right here in public. Because I know you don’t even read this. So you can suck on a ripe, 17-year-old dick for scaring the perfect tits off of me that night, you fucking perv-show!!! Ok. I feel better.

Since then I haven’t heard any more ghosts sounds. Cuts to... Anyway, next time I know who to call:

It’s good to be back.


Friday, January 22, 2010

No-Drink January

Happy New Year, whisker biscuits!*

(*another awesome word for vajens)

For reasons that are becoming less obvious and more ridiculous by the day, after New Year's Eve I decided to embark on a journey that I have been calling "No Drink January" (clever).

Really, I blame NYE.

New Year's Eve is like Valentine's Day mixed with Senior Prom and your 19th birthday: full of shattered dreams and broken condoms. So much hype combined with overly romantic and unrealistic expectations which are either never realized, or miraculously come to fruition only to be washed away in a violent sea of jager bombs and nose-puke.

This year my NYE went a little something like this: determined to learn from my previous mistakes, I decided to have zero expectations this year, which ended up working out in my favour* (*up for discussion)! It's like going to a movie that you've never heard of and have no idea what it's about, and then being pleasantly surprised when you're tits are subsequently jizzed upon by the awesomeness of the cinematic experience. (The opposite side of the coin is hearing that Avatar is so-fucking-awesome, then bashing your head into the chair in front of you when the battle scene continues for an unnecessary 5.2 hours and all you're left with at the end is nothing but PG-13 side boob with a disturbing lack of alien full-frontal...but that's a post for another time.)

The point is, I think we can all agree that things tend to work out more favourably in any situaysh when your expectations are either low or non-existent. So there I was. Dec 31. 9:30 pm. On the streetcar into Leslieville (Reason #1 for no expectations - who goes to Leslieville? wtf.) I chuckled to myself as the night started off with an unprecedented level of dog-shittiness. Here I am, painted up like a whure in heels and a party dress, on the fucking Queen streetcar, surrounded by crack heads and American Apparel clad teenagers who are chugging water bottles full of every-booze and screaming about how "Julia is SO gonna sleep with James tonight eeeeeee!" Good for fucking them.

I let out a deep sigh as we eventually made it through Nathan Philip's SQUARE territory, where I stared, disgusted, at the thousands of mom-jeans barely concealed by rain parkas swaying awkwardly to whichever lame Canadian "artist" was strumming away on her lady guitar on the stage. Sigh. "I hate this night" I thought bitterly as a homeless man coughed on the back of my neck from the filthy seat behind me. Close your eyes. Breathe. Lady Gaga will cure all (she didn't).

After what felt like hours of suffering on the TTC, I eventually made it to my destination: a cute little sushi resto / bar recently opened by one of my friend's boyfriends. Being the total man hero that he is, he agreed to close the bar to the general pube-lick for the night and let my friend invite all her friends inside for $60 of open bar and pizza. OK - not too shabby. Still, I see my friends every weekend. Why am I traversing the city through murder-inspiring traffic and spending $60 to hang with them when we could just chug the 60 of JD I have and call it a day? No matter, I enter the party (or did it enter me? More on this later.).

To my surprise and delight, there are other (attractive and young) peeps (girls) here! Everyone knows that a party's success depends almost entirely on the amount of hot babes present. So far, good start. AND about 15 of my friends who claimed they weren't coming to this particular party (another reason I hate New Years - everyone is so crippled by FOMO that they shit themselves for weeks trying to figure out where the best, nay ONLY place to be is! Aaaaand then they end up where you knew they would all along. But good show.) Ok! Things are looking...up?! I felt a strange tight feeling in my chest that in hindsight I realized was actual human excitement. wee!

The slow but steady upward climb continued from that moment on. First, I got to control the music (ipod DJ). Anyone who has ever met me knows that this is the one true key to my heart. A little Biggie to start the night, the crowed felt the shit out of it, and my girl-boner began to swell.

Fast forward to two hours later, the M original play list is fucking everyone in the mouth, and my girl boner is now basically throbbing with unbridled pleasure. eee! I should probably add that by this point in the night I had been drinking "Champagne Bombs" (think jager bombs but with champagne - thanks for inventing these S.C., you bitch) for hours. I remember counting down to midnight, lots of champagne flute clinking, being kissed by gay men (a certain sexy non-gay man was M.I.A., prompting my friends to take pity on my mouth), "dancing" (falling) and many girls-gone-wild moments (which I deliciously caught on tape - you know who you are. and yes I will sell these photos one day when one of you becomes Prime Minister).

I also vaguely remember the speakers blowing after the one hundredth "TURN IT UPPP!!!!" scream from the crowd when Run This Town came on. And after this - nothing till the next morning. Apparently there was an after party where I threw some kind of a tantrum (doesn't sound like me at all) when I "lost" my purse and coat (they were exactly where I left them). Luckily one of my friends decided to take pity on me and assist me into a cab. I should mention that she was puking out of the cab the whole way home, yet was voted less drunk than me. You know you're a winner when a puking chick is voted more able to protect your well-being and anal virginity than you are.

January 1, 2010. 12 pm. I awaken.

Instantly I realize that I am not in my own bed, or my own home. I also realize that I'm not wearing any pants or underwear. good. I AM, however, wearing a T-shirt that I do not recognize at all. Party dress and heels nowhere in sight. Panic begins to course through my alcohol-filled veins. I sit up slowly and painfully and catch a glimpse of some hideous sea-hag type monster looking me straight in the eye! I almost cry out for help before realizing oh wait, that's me looking in the mirror. Hair still fully in updo, make up on (but looks like someone set the make up gun to "whore"). again, good. Those who know me know that even at my MOST wasted I still manage to wash my face every single time. Except for maybe three occasions in my entire life which have easily been the three drunkest nights of my drinking career. So, I guess we can add this one to the list. FML.

I was so distracted by the utter horror of having no idea how I managed to still be avec-make up and sans pants that I temporarily forgot about the part where I HAD NO IDEA WHERE I WAS. Quickly - look around you! I saw an open closet, full of girl clothing. So...I'm in a girl's bed? This is ...good...ish. I felt something stabbing into my thigh under the covers - a lighter. Right because... I have no idea. Completely confused and defeated, I let out a low whimper which was answered by a cry of pain from somewhere else in this mystery house. I realized suddenly that I was at my beaver-loving girl friend's house. Let's call her DS. I've never been upstairs here hence the not-knowing-where-I-was part. And I was apparently in her roommate's room, who thank God was out of town. That was a close one, but I still felt like an animal. And where the fuck is my dress? I later found it IN MY BAG. DOWNSTAIRS. No.

DS and I then had simultaneous meltdowns at the revelation that we've BOTH lost our phones!...only to discover we each have the other's phone. Obv. We started piecing together the previous night which had a staggering amount of blackout periods. I realized that I didn't call sexy M.I.A. boy as promised the night before and immediately started whimpering about what a terrible person I was before DS finally informed me that, in fact, I did attempt to make the promised long-distance shout out approximately 47 times to no avail. Clearly the fingers I used to dial were too fat. I did succeed, according to her, in violently cursing at my phone, the North and South islands of New Zealand, and the gods in general, before finally passing out to every one's overwhelming relief. FTW.

I eventually made it home in the t-shirt, leather-legging things, no socks and borrowed running shoes (obviously I left my own boots in the Land of Lost somewhere) and miraculously not-lost jacket. I then proceded to drink about 11 caesars at my house with a collection of my most hung over girlfriends until about midnight.

Cut to the next morning. I had to wake up early, rent a car and drive to butt-rape Ontario for yet another Family Christmas gathering (why). As I cruised down the 401, already an hour and a half late, with a raging headache, tears streaming down my face and only the faintest whispers of a will to live, No-Drink January was born.

And here we are.

It's been three weeks, kids! Three weeks since the she-devil called booze has slipped it's way down my soft pink throat. Three weeks without skull-fucking hangovers, drunk-dials, bloated alcohol body, beer shits, sleepless nights and other assorted alcohol-associated life failures. Three weeks of saving tons of bling, thousands of calories, heaps of self-respect and tit-loads of dignity.

And you know what I've realized? I fucking. love. alcohol.

Party in my mouth on Feb 1!!! All (who bring sweet sweet liquor) are invited. See you then.


Oh, and PS: fuck all of you who are getting drunk tonight.